Thanksgiving Turkey or Bird mask
*sharpie felt
*paper plate
*hole punch
*clear tape
*yellow crayon
*elastic or ribbon or string
*felt in various colors such as gray, brown or white (your choice) or for a more kid friendly version you can use various colors of construction paper
*school glue (more kid friendly version) or glue gun and glue sticks (adult assistance needed for this version)
*glitter paint (optional)
Step 1: Cut your paper plate in half. Use your sharpie to draw a semicircle where the nose would with go about 2 inches across and draw 2 eye holes with about 1.5 inches of space between them.
Step2: Cut out the eye holes carefully with sharp scissors, and cut the semicircle out for the nose. Kids who are practicing with scissor use will like these steps.
Step 3: Use the hole punch to punch holes for the elastic or ribbon on each side of the mask.
Step 4: Fold the mask in half using the center of the nose cut out as your guide. You can also draw a dotted line from the centre of the nose semicircle to help with a more perfect fold (as shown below).
Step 5: Cut a length of elastic about 7-8 inches in length and put each end through the holes on each side of the mask that you have created with your hole punch. Make a knot to secure.
Step 6: Draw 5 feather shapes with your sharpie on the darkest colour of felt (these feather shapes should be about 6 inches in length and 2 inches across). Cut out the shapes.
Step 7: Draw 5 feather shapes with your sharpie in your medium tone felt
(these feather shapes should be about 4 inches in length and 2 inches across). Cut them out.
Step 8: Draw 5 feather shapes with your sharpie in your lightest tone of felt (these feather shapes should be about 3 inches in length and 2 inches across). Cut them out.
Step 9: Cut out a triangle from the second half of your paper plate that is about 3 inches on each side. Drawing with your sharpie a good sized triangle on the plate as a guide and then cutting is the best idea to help little ones.
Step 10: Fold your triangle in half and make a 1/2 inch notch where you folded it with your scissors. Fold each side of the triangle back to create flaps where the notch is. This will be where you glue the triangle to your mask as it will be your beak.
Step 11: Glue the beak to the mask over the nose semicircle using a glue gun by gluing the wrong sides of the flaps on the base of the beak. Or for the more kid friendly version, simply have them tape it down.
Step 12: Glue one of your longest and darkest feather shapes to the centre of your mask having the bottom of the feather shapes butt up against the beak.
Step:13: Glue 2 more of your longest and darkest feather shapes to the center of your mask on either side covering up the holes that have your string in them.
Step 14: Proceed to glue your second longest/lightest feather shapes to the spaces in between your first feathers making sure to fold the ends into the eye holes and gluing them in place on the inside of the mask. This creates a nice looking eye hole for the mask
Step 15: Add a few of the shortest/lightest of the feather shapes accents, folding the ends into the eye holes and gluing again on the inside. Also use 2 of the short pieces to the beak and mask to create a kind of turkey look.
Step 16: Colour your beak with the yellow crayon
Step 17:(Optional) Paint highlights on your mask with the glitter paint, my daughter wanted to do this as she loves glitter everything so it's really up to you if you have the supplies why not?
Step 18: Enjoy your Thanksgiving Turkey Mask!
May you have a restful and blessed Thanksgiving full of love and laughter! (and some Turkey too!)
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